
Interviewing Techniques

Here is how you can take action – starting today.

Introduction Be prepared with authentic answers.


1.1 Understand who is conducting the interview.

1.2 Understand how the industry and role impact the interview.

1.3 Understand the three main types of interview questions.


2.1 How to respond to Tell me about your strengths.

2.2 Example interviews Tell me about your strengths.


3.1 How to respond to Tell me about your weaknesses.

3.2 Example interviews Tell me about your weaknesses.


4.1 How to respond to Why are you interested in our company.

4.2 Example interviews Why are you interested in our company.


5.1 How to respond to Why did you leave your previous company.

5.2 Example interviews Why did you leave your previous company.


6.1 How to respond to What would you like to accomplish in the first 90 days.

6.2 Example interviews What would you like to accomplish in the first 90 days.


7.1 How to respond to When have you gone above and beyond at work.

7.2 Example interviews When have you gone above and beyond at work.


8.1 How to respond to Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.

8.2 Example interviews Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.


9.1 How to respond to How did you handle a disagreement with your boss.

9.2 Example interviews How did you handle a disagreement with your boss.


10.1 How to respond to What makes you interesting.

10.2 Example interviews What makes you interesting.


11. Prepare questions to determine if the role is a fit for you.